If you live in London, work in London, or are even vaguely aware of the concept of London, you will know that this past week the city has been plagued by the two most chilling words any urban commuter can ever hear – ‘tube strikes.’
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It’s not exactly ground-breaking satire to complain about National Rail. Anyone who has ever experienced rush-hour commuting will undoubtedly have the words ‘we are sorry for any inconvenience caused’ tattooed across their heart, and will be so accustomed to functioning in intensely overcrowded conditions that even an armpit directly across the face is not enough to deter the devouring the Metro’s ‘guilty pleasures’ section.
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Finishing my degree was simultaneously a more and less dramatic occurrence than I had expected; an anti-climactic climax if you will. The physical completing of my last exam was curiously void of all pomp and circumstance…
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