I think it’s best to start this blog by expressly stating that I am not ashamed of listening to Radio 4. Although on some occasions one does have to genuinely question whether the station’s producers are earnestly trying to create the most knuckle-bitingly boring program ever conceived by man
Read MoreMy Made Up Problem
Yesterday was just like any Sunday; beginning with scrambled eggs and The Big Questions. What can I say, I’m a simple soul. However, like many Sundays in my life, it was also augmented in one other, God-sent way: no plans to leave the house = no reason to put on any make up.
Read MoreThe Crafterlife
There comes a time in everyone’s life when we are forced to admit we are a 78 year old, living in a 21 year old’s body.
Read MoreThe Sumo Run
With Channel 4’s Stand Up To Cancer dominating its output in a glitzy ball of innuendo, stand-up smorgasbords and an unhealthy amount of Alan Carr, and BBC’s Children in Need coverage acting its usual thinly veiled excuse for further inflating countless TV-personalities, the spirit of philanthropy is tangibly in the air.This tidal wave of good-will has got me a-reminiscin’ about my own experience of working in the formidable Third Sector.
Read MoreA Flat-Screen Portrait of Modern Life
When it comes to television, I am the first to admit that I am hopelessly addicted. Rarely a day goes by when I don’t tune in for at least an hour, and catch-up sessions on 4od and iPlayer have become less of a relaxing pastime, and more a stringently regulated exercise, whereby I have to summon the kind of focus and dedication to the task that I could have only dreamed of during revision for my finals at uni, just to make sure I am up-to-date with every trashy sitcom that happens to be in the midst of a series.
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