Meme (noun)
“A virtually transmitted cultural symbol or social idea”.
Frankly, if you’ve been within 10 metres of a computer in the last five years, you’ll be familiar with the concept of ‘meme’.
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“A virtually transmitted cultural symbol or social idea”.
Frankly, if you’ve been within 10 metres of a computer in the last five years, you’ll be familiar with the concept of ‘meme’.
Read MoreUnless you have been living in a remote jungle or going through some sort of digital detox for the last few weeks, you will undoubtedly have grown accustomed to the sight of frantic looking people wandering the streets, eyes fixed on their outstretched iPhone, looking for elusive Pokemon.
Read MoreAnyone over a certain age will remember the agony and panic of trying to send an SMS message in the early 2000s.
Read MoreWhen it comes to television, I am the first to admit that I am hopelessly addicted. Rarely a day goes by when I don’t tune in for at least an hour, and catch-up sessions on 4od and iPlayer have become less of a relaxing pastime, and more a stringently regulated exercise, whereby I have to summon the kind of focus and dedication to the task that I could have only dreamed of during revision for my finals at uni, just to make sure I am up-to-date with every trashy sitcom that happens to be in the midst of a series.
Read MoreI have a feeling that my very first New Year’s Resolution has a chance of being achieved, if not for the sole reason that it has cost me a down payment of £320 already. And for someone who is currently living off the remnants of a student loan and £10-a-page freelance copywriting work, forking out such an amount does great things for your resilience and determination. So what is my resolution? Simply this: get a proper camera and learn how to use it.
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