I have a feeling that my very first New Year’s Resolution has a chance of being achieved, if not for the sole reason that it has cost me a down payment of £320 already. And for someone who is currently living off the remnants of a student loan and £10-a-page freelance copywriting work, forking out such an amount does great things for your resilience and determination. So what is my resolution? Simply this: get a proper camera and learn how to use it.
Read MoreWhy Are You Laughing?
In my 23 years of life, I have come up with a lot of ideas. As you'd expect, these vary in terms of quality from the questionable: marketing a range of gangster rapper cologne called ’50 Scent’, to the truly doomed to failure: opening a Monk-Chanting club called the ‘Monastery of Sound’.
Read MoreThe Only Way Is...
Cultural anthropologist Stuart Hall once theorised about the notion of identity and how it is constructed. His position was dualistic, in that we have both a continuous identity, one that is fixed and rooted in the past like a shared heritage, one which we carry with us throughout our life.
Read MoreThe Tourist Dilemma
Something that I did not expect to discover, sitting in the sun on the top of a rickety boat, ploughing through the azure water of Lake Titicaca in Peru, was how hard it is to be a tourist.
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